Investigation: Militants that attacked Kyrgyzstan were led by by General Shokh

Numerous videos and photos have been published on social media related to Tajikistan’s aggression towards Kyrgyzstan.  “PolitKlinika” media analyzed loads of videos and found out that Tajik general Iskandarov Shokh is among the armed men.  All of the mentioned videos were filmed in the territory of Batken district.

In one of the videos on social media, about twenty  unknown armed men can be seen walking towards the burning tank in front of them. You can hear them talking to each other in Tajik language and saying that General Shokh is also  among them.

“These people returned from the war. Here is General Shoh. We returned from the war. Here  is a wrecked tank. Our brother , Mirzokujo,   knocked it out. Rizvon, here is my student, Rizvon Shoh. Here is the tank. The bodies inside were taken away,” it is said in the video.

Where were the videos filmed?

The first video was filmed in the Dostuk Outpost. We have compared the location in the video with the actual location on the map.

Tajik soldiers  can be seen in other videos as well.

For instance, the person who is wearing “ Adidas” shoes in this video is  firing  in another video. 

There is a soldier in black jacket among the same soldiers who are walking. He is also seen in another video watching other soldiers shoot.

Among the above mentioned  group of soldiers, we noticed another suspicious person.  He is carrying a heavy weapon in the next video. In another video, the same man filmed himself shouting “Allah Akbar”, looking at a burning tank and speaking in Tajik.

By the way, in the first video we see a man with a cap wearing a wide-shouldered black jacket. He is  among the firing  soldiers group in the second video.

We have seen the same person in the video carrying the heavy weapon that we identified earlier.  In those video shots, a man carrying a heavy weapon walks up to the other  man.  That man is General Shoh. 

In the previous video, they bragged  saying  “General Shoh is going with us.”  We compared General Shokh with the people in this video shot.  We can be sure that the person in the shot and General Shoh are the same person.

“PolitKlinika” media, in its previously established facts, found that citizens are being gathered in the stadium of Bustan, Tajikistan.  General Shokh Iskandarov leads  the police forces of Bustan. 

What else is known about General Shokh?

In May 2021, it was determined that General Shokh Iskandarov was involved in Tajikistan’s attack on Kyrgyzstan.  Tajik boxers Saido Samadov and Azam Gaforov, who were at the scene of the conflict, posted photos with him on Facebook.  Athletes in military uniforms took pictures with Iskandarov and showed where the pictures were taken. 

The name of Shokh Iskandarov became known in 1998 after the capture of rebel colonel Mahmud Khudoiberdiev by armed forces in the Sogdi region.  In the fall of 2010, Shokh Iskandarov took an active part in the operation of the government forces against the armed groups of Moldo Abdullo in the Rasht Valley, and then he was appointed as the deputy head of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The last time his name was revealed was in the beginning of August 2012 in the complaint written by Shakarmo Khudododova, a resident of Khorog, to the Minister of Defense of Tajikistan, Sherali Khairulloyev.  The woman filed a complaint with the minister and said that Shoh Iskandarov and his 30 soldiers occupied her house and did not want to leave it. 

By the way, according to open sources, General Shokh has 30 specially trained soldiers.  Most of them are middle-aged soldiers. 

In all these videos, it is proven that the official representative of Tajikistan entered the territory of Kyrgyzstan not with ordinary soldiers, but with specially trained fighters and committed military aggression.  By doing this, Tajikistan violated the basic principles of the UN, attacked the territorial integrity, attacked civilians and civilian facilities.  Tajikistan should be held accountable for this action within the limits of the law. 


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